Tuesday 1 October 2013

Hair Growth after Hair Transplant

graph “How my hair would grow after hair transplant?” is a common question that hair transplant seekers ask. They wonder how their hair would look like and how the transplanted hair would grow. Let’s see how their concerns are answered.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Eyebrow Hair Transplant

eyebrow-hair-restoration Eyebrows are something that we do not often notice until they are not there on their usual place. However, thin, misshaped or absent brows draw attention to a person’s face. This eyebrow hair loss is not a natural process like scalp hair loss rather, it is usually traced down to thyroid problem, a disease like alopecia areata, burns, infections, tattoos, extensive plucking or hereditary factors. Eyebrow hair loss is treated with hair transplant to give them a fuller and richer appearance. This eyebrow hair transplant is just like a normal or traditional hair transplant which is used to restore scalp hair. 

Saturday 21 September 2013

Popular Hair Loss Treatments

78 Contrary to old belief, hair loss is not an elderly’s problem. In fact, today we see men of as younger as 20 years of age developing first signs of hair loss; frontal hairline receding in the form of M. You may suspect your habits or your daily routine for this hair loss but be sure that this hair loss has nothing to do with your baseball cap, nutrient deficiency, dandruff or anything else. This M shape baldness clearly indicates male pattern baldness. 

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Hair Loss Centers – Prevention and Treatment of Your Valuable Resource

iStock Hair loss is universal concern for males and females. Although males are common victims of hair loss, females are not immune either. When they are tired of home remedies and snake oils, they search for authentic hair loss centers.

Friday 13 September 2013

Hair Loss…Reasons and Treatment!

bald-man-111207 No matter where we live, what we eat, which race we belong to, we all share a common problem; hair loss. An abnormal hair loss is always worrisome not because it blocks your drain but because it affects your hair density. You can see it in your ponytail which is going thinner and thinner with each passing day. You may hear your grandmother saying it’s just because the processed food that you take or the hair care products with high concentration of chemicals but, the fact is, you keep losing your hair no matter which remedy you use.

Friday 6 September 2013

Evaluate a Hair Transplant Surgeon

91559585-doctor-pulling-back-brows-of-patient-jupiterimages1-300x200 Who does not want a hair restoration from the best hair transplant surgeon? In fact, every one of us wants to avail the latest medical treatments from the best surgeons because we do believe that only a good surgeon provides a good treatment. Let’s see some elements that we usually use to evaluate a surgeon.

Monday 2 September 2013

How to have an Affordable Hair Transplant

hair-transplant-cost Do you know anyone who is bald by choice? If given a chance, most people will choose to restore their hair to their youthful days! If it is true, why we see a lot of bald people around us? Maybe lack of awareness or maybe lack of affordability. This is an era of information. Still, there are many people who are unaware of the benefits of hair transplant procedure. And many people wonder whether they can afford a hair transplant. Let us see how we can make a hair transplant procedure affordable.