Friday 30 August 2013

Hair Transplant for Women Cost

women-hair-transplant Hair Transplant in women is gaining more popularity with every passing day. Like men, women have only one prerequisite for a great transplant—healthy donor hair.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Hairline Advancement through Hair Transplant

Alci Some people naturally have broad foreheads and high hairlines while others acquire them because of hair fall or brow lift. While some like them, others prefer to find out solution and a way to make their forehead narrow. Previously, forehead reduction was hugely used for such men and women who want to reduce the size of their forehead. In this method part of the forehead is surgically removed and then hairline is pulled down and stapled back. Because of the invasiveness of forehead reduction surgery this surgical treatment is not appreciated anymore. Now, surgeons and patients prefer to have hair transplant which has multiple advantages over traditional approach of forehead reduction. Let’s see why people prefer to have hair transplant.

Monday 26 August 2013

Is Follicular Unit Hair Transplant Superior to Strip Harvesting?

orig Is newer always better? FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant has grabbed enough share from traditional strip harvesting hair transplant. The question is whether FUE is superior to strip harvesting method or it is just a hype to charge more money from the clients. The answer lies somewhere in between!

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Does FUE Hair Transplant Work?

Follicular-Unit-Extraction(FUE) Fear of unknown is a common feeling that all humans develop. And perhaps this is the phenomenon that works behind the resistance that FUE transplants sometimes face. Being a new method, it experiences confrontation by a group of hair loss patients who feel more comfortable with traditional strip removing method. 

Saturday 3 August 2013

Why Surgeons Prefer FUE Hair Transplant!

882 Follicular unit extraction is one of the two methods that are used for donor hair extraction in a hair transplant procedure. Alternative of FUE is strip removal which is the traditional and most widely used method.