· It is the only procedure that grows your hair permanently. It means your new hair will not fall out the rest of your life.
· It is a simple procedure and offers minimal discomfort.
· Your new hairs do not require high maintenance or expensive hair products. They grow and flourish in your daily hair care routine.
· Hair transplant surgery does not have any permanent side effects and complications.
· You do not need to travel to Europe or Middle East to have your hair done because you can easily benefit from hair transplant in Pakistan.
Pakistan resides some outclass hair transplant surgeons that are working to serve their people. Some of the surgeons working in Pakistan are American Board certified and needless to say, they are among the best surgeons available in the country.
Hair transplant cost in Pakistan
Cost of the surgery is significantly low in Pakistan. People from Europe fly to Pakistan to have their hair done with experienced and skilled hair transplant surgeons who are performing hair restoration surgeries at reasonable prices. Hair transplant in Pakistan adheres to elevated service standard that you will find comparable to any hair transplant done in Europe or America.
Hair transplant procedures in Pakistan
Strip removal it is the most widely used procedure for hair restoration. In strip removal a strip of donor tissue is extracted from the back of the head and hair follicles are extracted from it. These hair follicles are then planted in a bald or balding patch. This procedure ensures safety of hair grafts but leaves a linear mark on the back of the head.
Follicular unit extraction it is relatively a new procedure for hair restoration and is performed only by experienced and skillful hair transplant surgeons. It requires much labor from the surgeon. Shortest recovery period, minimum risks and its use to grow eyebrows, eyelashes, moustache, beard and chest hair are the main reasons behind the success of FUE.
A newer trend is the use of robots on hair transplant surgeries. Automation has made the procedure safer, quicker and more efficient. But the success of the surgery still lies in the hands of the surgeon.
Potential risks and complications
The surgery lacks permanent side effects and complications. Some temporary side effects are
· Swelling in scalp and forehead
· Itching
· Scab formation
· Shock loss i.e., loss of transplanted hair (hair grow again within a few weeks)
· The greatest complication that may result after surgery is an unnatural appearance.
You must choose a board certified surgeon to have your hair back on your scalp. A good hair transplant will ease you and make you happy for the rest of your life.
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