Whenever something makes inroads in the Pakistani markets people have this attitude of talking negative about it. The Pakistan hair transplant is one such example which is around for quite some time but still people have concerns about it. It is quite understandable that when it comes to undergoing a surgical procedure there would hardly be anyone to agree without giving it a second thought. However, the surgery is very much safe and has yielded some very good results in the last few years or so. There are many sports and showbiz celebrities who have benefitted from this surgery and are quite satisfied with the results.
People in Pakistan who consider surgical hair restoration as unsafe and risky are also not absolutely wrong. The reliability and good repute of Pakistan hair transplant has been badly damaged by some institutes that offer this surgery at remarkably low costs. A lot of people go for them just because they expect to have a head full of hairs in least possible expense. Nevertheless, when they see the results they realize that instead of saving a few bucks they have actually gone on to put their lives in mere danger. Hence, it is a decision that you should make wisely.
Another reason why some people are not all that much convinced about undergoing hair surgery in Pakistan is because lack of knowledge. Although Pakistan hair transplant is around for quite some time but still there are people who do not know much about how the procedure goes. For the information of seekers, it involves removal of hair from the donor area (which is mainly back of the head) and implanting the removed grafts into the bald scalp areas. These days, you have a choice of two procedures available for the surgery but it also depends on a number of factors.
One method, which is quite conventional features hair removal from the donor area in the form of a strip – strip harvesting method – and in the other, the same is performed one by one (FUE method). Pakistan hair transplant has both these options readily available for you. Nevertheless, the factors involved in making a choice include hair density in donor area, scalp flexibility, number of grafts required and ofcourse your affordability range. You should carefully choose the surgeon as well as the surgical institute before finalizing your decision about undergoing the surgery. This will assure a well-informed decision with minimum chances of complications.
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