Some people think that hair grafts extracted through FUE have more tendencies to fall out.
There are some other folks who wonder if FUE really works!
Do you really doubt the capabilities of FUE method? Come on, qualified surgeons from around the world are doing hair transplants with FUE method and they trust its results. There is nothing that should bring doubts or fears in your mind. In fact, FUE is a modern procedure and it overcomes various disadvantages that come inevitably with strip harvesting method. Here is a brief overview that will help you understand that FUE does not only work but works better in many situations.
· FUE follows a simple procedure and has refined a great deal due to the continuous research and frequent advancements. Previously, surgeons used manual punching for the extraction of hair grafts in a FUE procedure. Now, motorized punch is being used which has made the method more efficient, quick and less labor intensive on the surgeon’s part.
· FUE transplants do not need stitches or staples like a strip method.
· It is minimally invasive and less painful. Usually patients resume their working routine the next day after their surgery.
· It produces scars that are easy to hide. You can confidently wear short hairstyles and it will not make the scars visible.
· Sometimes it is performed to hide scars from a previous strip harvesting procedure. In such a procedure hair grafts are planted in the scarred area. When hair grows it hides the scars.
· FUE is just a part of hair transplant procedure. No one can deny its importance but still there are other factors that determine the success of the treatment.
· There are not many surgeons who perform FUE. Only skillful and highly qualified surgeons perform it. It means, finding the right surgeon for your FUE would certainly mean that you are going to have your hair transplant from an expert surgeon.
FUE is way modernized than the traditional approach. Yes, there is some insecurity which people have regarding the effectiveness of the method but these are mainly due to the misunderstandings that they have developed due to the lack of information.
All hair loss patients cannot be treated with FUE as it has some limitations as well. Some patients are good candidates for FUE transplantswhile others for strip removal. The responsibility to use the right method for right patient lies with the surgeon who, after discussing it with the patient, decides for a suitable procedure. So, are you in search of a skillful surgeon for your FUE hair transplant?
It is obvious that any bald person will think 100 times before going for hair transplant and will consult different places and people to get sure about the good results. As far as i know and experience, FUE hair transplant has been a God's grace for a Bald person and it is natural and permanent. Even this kind of hair transplant technique is safe, painless, scar less with no scapels and you will feel normal a day after the surgery.