Procedure of FUE
FUE hair transplant does not involve stitches. Surgeon injects local anesthesia in the donor area and as the area becomes numb, he takes out hair grafts directly from the scalp. To take out each hair follicle surgeon uses a small device which drills into the scalp and takes out hair grafts. It is called a motorized punch. Previously surgeons were using manual punching which required more labor on the surgeon’s part. Motorized punching has made the procedure easier for the surgeon more efficient and quick. It takes out grafts without causing any damage to them.
Competitive edge of FUE
FUE has some noticeable advantages over strip harvesting like
· It is minimally invasive procedure.
· It does not need stitches.
· It can take out hair grafts from areas other than scalp.
· It does not give a long linear scar on the donor area.
· It allows a surgeon to select hair grafts which he thinks would be the best for hair transplant.
· It gives significantly low downtime and a quick recovery.
· Donor area pain and complications in case of FUE are almost none.
· It can be performed on patients who do not have sufficient skin laxity for the excision of strip from the donor area.
· It can be performed to hide a linear scar due to a previous strip removal hair transplant.
Being a modern procedure, FUE hair transplant bypasses many limitations that the traditional strip harvesting has.However, the procedure still has a room for improvement and the scientists are busy to make it better than ever.
Cost of FUE
For a FUE procedure surgeons charge per graft. It means larger the number of grafts you need higher you will have to pay. It costs higher than the traditional strip harvesting method. Cost of FUE starts from Rs. 150,000. Some surgeons offer discounts when a patient needs large number of hair grafts.
Future horizon of FUE
Robotic FUE is the potential future of FUE hair transplant. Automation in the procedure will make it more efficient and quick. Surgeon will have the minimum involvement in the procedure which means chances of human error will be reduced by many folds. Automation will make the procedure easy for the surgeon. However, the success of the surgery will still depend upon the expertise and skill set of the surgeon because robots work only as assistants, they do not take over the surgery.
Many people who could not have hair transplant previously due to the limitations of strip harvesting, can have their hair done with FUE because it has made hair restoration possible for a great variety of patients. Are you wondering if you can have FUE or not?
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