Saturday, 29 June 2013

When will I See the New Hair Growth form the Grafts?

graft-anchoring-fig10 Hair Transplant is a marvelous cosmetic surgery procedure that gives you permanent, natural, and maintenance free hair for the rest of your life. A good quality hair transplant is way superior to wigs and hairpieces in many respects, but there is one point, you should be prepared for – patience. Unlike wigs and hairpiece, a hair transplant does not give you hairs overnight. Following is a brief overview of the procedure and the time it takes to grow your newly transplanted hair.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

When will my New Hair Start to Grow?

How-Does-Hair-Grow (2) The popularity of hair transplant is growing day by day. Every year more people are opting for treatment and more keystrokes are hit to find out some common concerns about hair transplant.
Hair transplant seekers frequently drop their queries to the online accounts of hair restoration clinics to get to know the procedure and results. People often ask when they will see hair growth after hair transplant. Let’s see what happens after surgery.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

What about Scalp Reductions?

image Scalp reduction removes a portion of patient’s bald scalp and stretches hair bearing scalp in order to reduce bald area. It minimizes the bald area and it seems that the bald patch has just vanished. Some hair grafts are transplanted to hide the incision scar.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

How Much Does Hair Transplant Cost?

hair-transplant-surgery-cost-price-chart Cost serves as a major concern for all hair transplant seekers. It’s a general thinking that hair restoration surgeries cost big amounts. Most often, people think that its costs are so high that it’s better to live a life without hair than to avail the opportunity to grow them again. Mostly people believe on what they hear and just do not effort to know the truth.
Do you wonder what the truth is? Do costs are really so high that it’s better not to avail the treatment? Let’s see.

Monday, 24 June 2013

What's so Special About Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation?

hair_transplant_diagram1 Search web and you will come across with plenty of success stories of FUE, talk to a surgeon and you will hear praise, hear previous FUE patients and you will come to know some other personal experiences with pleasant endings, all this make us think, “What's so Special About Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation?”. Let’s see what makes FUE so special that here are just never ending personal experiences from patients who are more than happy with their surgery.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Is There a Risk of Damaging Hair Follicles?

meladopa-mask-medical_00000_00006-1 Your hair follicles are a valuable resource. Currently, there is no method to clone or artificially create hair follicles. So, it is a reasonable concern of hair transplant seekers to use each and every hair follicle in the best possible way.That’s why hair transplant seekers, especially with limited donor hair supply, often ask this question, “is there a risk of damaging hair follicles?” Let us examine why there is a risk of damaging hair follicles and how it can be minimized.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Is Hair Transplant Expensive?

764_image432 I am seeing a lot of people nowadays who are confused about the cost of Hair Transplant. Some of them simply do not know the cost of the procedure and ask, “Is hair transplant expensive?” Others are even more confused to see a large difference in the prices of different clinics.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Hair Loss Solutions – a Step by Step Approach

image1 We take our hair for granted until we start losing them; Sounds cliché, but experience tells that it’s true. Following is a step by step approach for your hair loss solutions.This is a must read, no matter your head is full of hair, you’ve just started losing them, or have already lost a lot.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Factors Affecting Growth of Transplanted Hair

images Hair Transplant extracts your own hair follicles, or grafts, and transplants them on balding area. Everyone has a limited supply of donor hair.Therefore, it is very important to get the most out of your hair transplant without damaging any of your transplanted hair.

Monday, 17 June 2013

How do I Find an Excellent Hair Transplant Surgeon?

Most of the time, we consider that a high quality product or service is the one which is costly. Although it may be valid in some cases but not in all. Does it sound sane to consider a surgeon good or bad while taking into account his/her charges only? Absolutely not!

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Will I be Awake During Hair Transplant Surgery?

FUE-hair-transplant-5 Hair transplant serves as an ideal treatment for lots of men and women who want to regrow their hair on a bald patch on scalp or elsewhere on the body. So far, it has treated millions of people worldwide and still there are many more who are looking forward to have a hair transplant.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Want to Have a Quality Hair Transplant in Minimum Cost! Come to Pakistan!

ffdfdfds1 Hair transplant is a simple procedure that extracts hair grafts from an area of your scalp and plants them to another area where they are needed. It cannot only give you new hair on your scalp but can also work to grow eyebrows, eyelashes, moustache, and beard and chest hair. It is a minimally invasive procedure, which means it does not involve much intervention with your body tissues.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Can Hair Transplant Grow Hair on Areas Other Than Scalp?

1350281115418 Hair transplant is the only procedure that plants hair follicles or hair grafts to an area where they are needed. There are multiple benefits of growing hair through this technique. An incredible benefit is that your new hair look exactly like your old hair and no one can ever point a slight difference in the two. As transplanted hair follow normal hair cycle they are permanent and naturally-growing.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

How Long Does Hair Take to Grow After Hair Transplant?

Image-7 Hair transplant is an excellent procedure that moves hair follicles usually from scalp to a bald patch. Hair grafts took some time for settling into the new place and then they start growing hair. Your transplanted hair looks nothing less than natural. New hairline looks quite normal and no one could ever guess that you had grown your hair through a surgical procedure.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Can Hair Transplantation be Done in Scars on the Head?

ba-photos In the past few weeks, I have come across many people with scars on their heads. Some of them acquired these scars by accidents while others acquired them during hair transplants, years ago. Hair transplant still produces scar at the donor site, but they are minor as compared to the scars produced a decade ago.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Is Hair Restoration Surgery Safe

igrow-before-after Is hair restoration surgery safe? When asked this question, different people give different answers. Some people think that there is no side effect of hair restoration surgery, while others hold opposite views. Here we will present an unbiased account about the safety of hair transplant procedure.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Do Away with Your Bald Scalp Through a Hair Transplant!

menlaserresults Hair loss is merely a problem that almost everyone faces. Most likely, you will never meet a single person who would say that he/she has never faced a hair loss in entire life. Elements that cause hair to fall out are so common that you cannot escape them. Some people shed hair due to diseases and disorders while others face it because it simply runs in their families. In either case, if the hair loss continues it causes hair thinning and ultimately a bald scalp. Here comes the real issue.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Low Costs of Hair Transplant in Pakistan

Hair Restoration Without doubt, hair transplant is thought to be the one of some overly charged surgeries. People think that the surgery costs as high that it is better not to think about it in the first place. They are more willing to spend their life with a bald scalp rather than to get it treated just due to their fear of an unaffordable cost.