Although widely used to restore hair on scalp, it is not the only area where hair can be grown through hair transplant. In fact, you can transplant
· Eyebrows
· Eyelashes
· Beard hair
· Moustache
· Chest hair
· Pubic hair
You might not know that growing hair on scalp was not the target of early hair transplant surgeons. Rather, they wanted to restore damaged areas of eyebrows and eyelashes through small grafts. In fact, it was 1950s when first efforts to treat male pattern baldness through hair transplant were made. The donor grafts were extracted from areas that were considered to be resistant to balding. Firstly, it was thought that the transplanted hair would sustain as long as the rest of the hair do at the recipient site. Later, it was found that transplanted hairs inherit their characteristics from the donor area and grow as long as they would have at the donor site.
Benefits of hair transplant
· It is a minimally invasive procedure.
· It grows natural looking hair.
· Transplanted hairs do not fall off.
· New hairs grow as long as the rest of the hair and follow same cyclic pattern.
· It is used not only to plant hair on scalp but to plant them on other areas on body as well.
· Transplanted hairs do not require extra care. They grow well with your normal hair care routine.
Hair transplant is the right answer if you want to grow hair on scalp or on any other area. Now you do not need to worry for hair loss from any region of your body. Hair restoration will definitely give you new hair. Drop an email if you want to know more about the surgery.
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